Want An upgrade in your prophetic calling?

Join Emerging Prophets Certification Program
To be certified as a:
 Prophetic Consultant, EP School Director, or a Prophetic Ministry Director

"In my time in the certification course, I have gained so much wisdom and knowledge! The spiritual health, breakthrough, and community that I have gained is far beyond anything I have ever known. Keith lays courses out well and don't be surprised if you catch the grace of entrepreneurship in the course quickly!" 
- David Phillips

In 2024 step deeper into your Calling

Grow In Your Prophetic Calling by Walking Alongside Other Prophetic People Who Are On the Same Journey as You.

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Don't miss this unique opportunity to discover your calling as a prophetic voice. 

For A LIMITED TIME get $20,072 Worth of Content for ONLY $5997


Keith Ferrante

Margriet Leach

Peter Eisses

"I caught the entrepreneurial grace Keith carries. I doubled my income and gained back what I paid for the course. I would highly recommend this course to anyone." 
- Christene Sheber

Meet Keith Ferrante...
The Founder of Emerging Prophets

  • Founder Of Emerging Prophets Certification Program
  • Author Of 25 Books Including: Kingdom CEO and Prophesying Like a Prophet 
  • Forerunner In The Prophetic Entrepreneur Movement
  • ​Advisor to CEOs and Influencers

Here Are Just A Few Of The Reviews From Emerging Prophets Certification Program Participants...

From: Keith Ferrante
Orange County, California

Dear Emerging Prophets,

I'm calling today for an army of prophetically equipped warriors to rise up...

To rise up to speak to the issues of our day. 

To push back the gates of hell with the prophetic declarations of heaven. 

"Who will go for me?" was spoken to the prophet Isaiah, 

I hear the Lord asking that same question to us today. 

Who will go for me?

Who will learn how to prophesy in such a way that solutions come to problems no one has been able to solve? 

Who will develop their calling so that the Kings around them will say I need an audience with you?  

We are meant for battle. 

I have been blessed to have been Fathered, and mentored in my prophetic journey by Kris Vallotton, Dan McCollam, Georgian Banov, Wendell McGowen, and other prophets and apostles...

It took spiritual fathers and mothers to help equip me for the battle I am called to fight in this generation. 

I'd like to do the same for you!!!

I'd like to invite you to join me in my Emerging Prophets Certification Program

Let me and other emerging prophet trainers spend 9 months equipping you to fight the battles you are called to fight...

but not just fight them...

Win them!!!

...and not just win them with any weapon: Win them with the weapon of prophecy. 

Paul the Apostle said to Timothy, "I am giving you this command in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by recalling them you may fight the battle well."

Prophecy is war!!!

I've been training thousands of prophetic people now for more than a decade. 

But more than ever now I am provoked to see people highly equipped to prophecy at the level prophets do. 

While the world tears at each other let's discover how to be a prophetic people that heals, delivers, and brings heavens strategic words for this hour. 

Click the button below and join me for 9 months of being provoked, trained, activated, and equipped in the prophetic to be an answer to the world around you. 

Make no mistake, we are in a battle!!!

Join me to upgrade your prophetic calling and calling to win the war using the prophetic skills prophets use to bring heaven to earth and push back hell.

- Keith Ferrante
Founder of Emerging Prophets

"Surely the Lord GOD does nothing
Unless He reveals His secret counsel
To His servants the prophets." 
- Amos 3:7

"I’ve known Keith Ferrante for 20 years. Keith is passionate about equipping a generation of spiritual fathers and mothers that will fulfill their destinies and change the world by pouring into the next generation." 
-Kris Vallotton 

"Keith Ferrante serves a wide and powerful sphere of influence in the office of prophet. I have seen his strategic counsel and prophetic insights strategically benefit influential leaders in government, business, religion, and the entertainment industry in nations around the world. In addition to serving leaders, I believe Keith shoulders an anointing to develop and call-out emerging prophets to live in healthy relationship and strategic life-exchange with kingdom leaders."
- Dano McCollam

"My friend, Keith Ferrante, is one of today’s foremost emerging prophetic equippers. He combines teaching with impartation leaving an impact for Jesus sake wherever he goes."
- James Goll

"It is a great privilege to know Keith. We love his passion, enthusiasm, and hunger for the Presence of God. He is a catalyst for the Kingdom. He loves breakthrough and impartation. He lives and loves to release the power of God in healing, signs and wonders, and prophecy. He is a breakthrough person much loved and highly respected."
- Graham Cooke

"I am happy to recommend Keith. He is a friend of mine who I have known for a number of years. He has received and walks in the message of The Cross and the joy that it brings. He will be a blessing to you by bringing you into an encounter with the Holy Spirit through his teaching, worship leading, and prophetic voice."
- Georgian Banov

"Keith is a powerful revivalist with a dynamic prophetic ministry that ignites individuals and churches into their destiny. He was a senior pastor and worship leader which enhances his ministry with wisdom and practicality."
- Steve Backlund

In 2024 STEp DEEPER INTO YOUR Prophetic calling

Grow In Your Prophetic Calling by Walking Alongside Other Prophetic People Who Are On the Same Journey as You.

TIME SENSITIVE: The Emerging Prophets Certification Program will be Starting July 19th 

Don't miss this unique opportunity to discover your calling as a prophetic voice. 

What Can You Expect From This Program?

Advancing Your 
Prophetic Calling
Connection & Community
Copyright 2024- Emerging Prophets - All Rights Reserved
Day 2: NAIL IT
How To Master The FOUR FUNNELS That Drive 98% Of Your Sales...
After You’ve Nailed It…
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